Tuesday, January 19, 2010

First Day Of School

Today is our first day of school! I am very excited to get to see my fellow classmates. Our first class is at 10:15, and it is Leadership. The first thing we do as we walk into the room is to write down the person that most embodies a leader on a post-it and put it on the board. I write down Bruce Springsteen without even thinking about it. Next subject.

After going through some introductions and speaking of the different requirements of the class, we break for coffee. Coffee breaks during every class could get expensive, but I do appreciate the time to stretch my long legs. Directly after the break, some kids come in to talk to us about the career fair coming up shortly. I decide that I will work in Sweden. After that, we go through some of the leaders that were chosen on the post-it board. Somebody makes the comment that most, if not all, of the people that have been chosen are male. Our female teacher wants to address this (clearly a bit worked up). Somebody raises their hand in the back. He says "I think that women just don't" he pauses, thinks about what he is about to say. At KFBS, this is when the person realizes "wait, i am about to say something stupid and then get beat on for the following ten minutes." He then restarts to reword his thoughts...nope "This is because I think women lack the skills it takes be a leader." Fast forward 10 minutes, numerous females spitting fire, and this man crying, and we are back on track. Oddly enough, considering we are in a MBA class, few people picked business leaders. It was almost all political figures. Just an interesting thought.

Our second class is the Psychology of Financial Markets. Our teacher is an absolute goofball. He is clearly very smart, but man he is goofy. I laugh quite a bit through the 100 minutes of our class. When he asks where I attend school, tell him that I went to Ga. Tech and now go to UNC. He says...."ahh, Ga. Tech, that is where" (please dont say Marbury, please dont say Marbury) "Bobby Jones went? Do you play golf" I answer that I do, and he claims that this "gets you bonus points, or at least means I will treat you very fair." Sweet. He looks like a cross between Swedish Rick Moranis and Swedish Michael Bolton (Office Space Michael Bolton). I love him, and he has set the roadmap for what should be a very interesting/informative class.

We grab a quick drink at the Lappis Market, and the TV is on MTV. Luckily, what is showing is "My Super Sweet 16." I just love when shows are on that are exactly how I want the USA to be portrayed. My favorite quote from the episode is when the girl that is 16 years and 0 days old says "I finally got my BMW." God Bless. Those of us from Lappis then head to Saltis for a bit of hanging out. It is now about midnight, and I have two options.....a) Bed b) Try to stream the GT vs. Clemson game that will only make me upset with Paul H. Tough call

* I didn't really write The Boss as my leader

** Saw the prettiest black lab not named Sierra on the Tubin (metro). Apparently they are allowed on some cars, and not on others

***Class trip to Ikea and then out to Cafe Opera tomorrow. Hopefully, good time ensue

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