Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Do You Win In Swedish Casinos??

Joe and I decided on Friday that we would test to see if Swedish casinos pay better than American ones. We start the night by heading to O'Leary's to watch the USA Olympic semifinal game against the hated Finnish. We get to the bar about 5 minutes before game time and every single TV is dedicated to the biathlon. This is a sport that combines cross country skiing with....shooting a guy: how many alpine snipers are into this? Now not to steal too much material from Jerry Seinfeld, but come on....already a man has died participating in a sport that would be the exact same if people competed against their will. Come on buddy, you're in the luge......

We ask the bartender, and she tells us that the hockey game will be put on half the TVs once it starts. We are happy about this, so I order a 66 SEK Guinness. As soon as the hockey game starts, half the TVs switch over, and the whole bar erupts. I have never heard a group of people so pissed about having the TVs switched away from cross country skiing. Joe and I have a moment of panic as we see the waitress point towards us and say some words in Swedish. We assume this means "if you want to kill anybody over this issue, kill those two Americans." As it turns out, she was just explaining that they could still watch the boring biathlon on the TVs around the bar. As it turned out, not a very exciting game. The US scored before we could even sit down. They then made it 2-0, so I texted Oskar. 3 min later it was 4-0. I texted Oskar to let him know the score, and before i finished the text, it was 5-0.....needless to say, the US took those damn dirty Finns down.

Joe and I then headed to the casino to try our luck. Coat check was free.....already up 20 SEK....booyah. I get dealt 11, of course you double down. Although in Swedish casinos, the dealer only deals their up card, and they dont get a down card until after you have played. The dealer has an Ace showing, and I have no idea if she is going to get a blackjack or I double down, get 21, only to watch her deal herself a ten and take double my original bet. I am not happy about this, so I run out of the casino and get 7/11 pasta. Fun to see how serious people are at casinos outside the US. However, I still celebrated wins. And.....the doors to the bathroom were had to be there

Levar gets in town tomorrow, booyah

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