Saturday, March 13, 2010

Weekend # 8

Weekend number 8 couldn't come fast enough as Joe and I have actually had a pretty good amount of schoolwork to do. We have a 20 page group paper in our finance class in which we are in the same group. We also have separate groups for leadership and a 20 page paper due there as well. Throw in a littany of individual assignments, and we have been quite busy.

However, when Thursday rolls around, we are ready for another pub crawl. This time, the crawl is around Ostermalm. The 2nd bar we go to is an English pub called Spitfire. Definitely right up my alley. We haven't found to many relaxed, pub style type bars here, so this is nice. I step up to the bar, grab myself a $9 Guinness, and I am in business. Next, we go to a fancy steakhouse that has a huge bar area. I have been in enough watering holes to know that this will be even more expensive than normal. However, my brain leaves me for a second, and I agree with Joe that we should order an Old Fashioned. About halfway through the bartender making this extensive cocktail, I realize that this is not going to be cheap.......200 SEK.....son of a bitch. That was ok at Collage, because it was your first week here, but you know better now; rookie mistake, unacceptable.

We finish off the crawl by going to Sturehof. Sturehof is also the place that we have met Gustav on many the Friday for happy hour after work. The happy hours at Sturehof are simply amazing. Joe and I split off from each other as we both get caught up in other conversations. Next thing I know, I have a text from Joe that he left in time to catch the metro. I look at my cell phone; 12:58....blast. Oh well, cab ride it is. Certainly a 2nd successful pub crawl.

On Friday, Joe had some friends coming into town from Barcelona. They arrive around 4:00, so we head over to their hotel to meet up with them. Amazingly, they have gotten word about the cost of booze here, and they have brought tons of it. After a drink in their hotel room, we head back to Sturehof for our normal happy hour spot. We meet up with Gustav and his new girlfriend, as well as A.C. We grab a couple drinks there, and Joe and company decide we are doing a nice dinner on this fine evening. We go to a restaurant called Prinzcen. It is very fancy. We look over the wine list to find the cheapest bottle. It is some Greece/Portugal mix, perfect. After a couple appetizers, a couple bottles of wine, and some delicious entrees, we pay up, and head out.

We meet up with Levar and Anna at Spitfire for a couple rounds after dinner. Once we have had a couple pints there, Levar and Anna split, and we hit the streets. Lauren then leads a very determined charge to get into a club at 11:30 without paying or without waiting in a line. We try to convince her that this is not possible, but the Greekport we just had is working to strengthen her resolve. 30 minutes of wandering the streets later, the wine starts to wear off and we hop in cabs and head home.

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