Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Sweden Presents Us With.....Work

Joe and I found ourselves in an interesting predicament the last seven days.....there were exams to be studied for and work to be done. While I thought this was a cruel snow filled joke at first, it was indeed true, I must study. We spent Tuesday and Wednesday preparing for our psychology of financial markets exam. One of the things we had covered was the idea of the "hot hand fallacy." In relation to sports, this meant that a guy that was 10-10 for the night was not necessarily better to take the last shot than a guy that was 2-10 for the night. The decision was based on career FG %. I thought basketball to be a poor example, so I send the professor a long email about the z-test regarding......well, long dorky story short, he posted his response the my personal email on the class website....luckily there are only hot girls in that class....

So I finish the exam and head off to McDonalds. The night ahead has our first Swedish pub crawl. We start this "pub crawl" at a French restaurant. Joe and I order a couple beers and wade into the crowd. We are talking to a couple people when in walks the french girl in our exchange program. I say hello as she walks towards me, and all of a sudden, I am in the movie Ghost Dad.....she literally passes through me. The young french ladies are truly mannerific.

Corne and company meet us at the second bar. This bar is oddly located in the middle of what looks to be an elementary school. After a couple drinks there, we walk to the last bar before our final destination, Sturecompanient. At this bar, we meet up with AC and company, and shots seem to be on the menu. In addition to that, popcorn comes in bags and is for free. Yes sir, these $10 drinks are actually $10 - the marginal utility of a bag of popcorn......

As Corne and I head to Sturecompanient, we hope that Joe has also made it there. Once there, dancing ensues.....I hope to say that this is the first time I have ever dance to MMMBop.....I don't know if this is a Swedish thing, but recycling shitty American songs 10 years after the fact with weird beats added in doesnt' make them good. However, the girls somehow love Hansen all of a sudden....maybe it is cause they all look like girls...

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